Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Donna Carlson, Author, Speaker, Data
Author/Speaker, Donna Carlson is a self proclaimed "data-geek" who had found tremendous success and enjoyment in writing and coaching audiences to come to terms with and be authentic about their lives not being as advertised on social media and other façades we often put out there.
Crazy as you Usual, Master Your Mental Monkeys & Set Your Brilliance FREE.
"I'm not insane," Donna Carlson writes, "I'm fully aware I'm crazy. It's time we talk about the realities of depression and burnout in the workplace. Then we can admit that we're crazy, as usual, and set our brilliance free."
Donna has a recurring record of success and self-sabotage in the workplace and in close relationships. Every crash has been linked to the crazymaking voices in her head she calls "the monkeys." Those cheeky, sarcastic, wily monkeys in your mind can make you crazy with their constant chatter: You'll never be good enough. You're alone. What's wrong with you? Why can't you think/be like other people?