Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Co-founder & CEO, The Exodus Road - Laura Parker
When you think of slavery, what are the images that come to mind?
- Hand-drawn references in your old history book of the African slave trade.
- Jews enslaved by Pharaoh in Egypt as depicted in movies.
- 1800s images of the early American south, cotton plantations, and the Civil Rights movement?
For all those millions of human beings in the aforementioned examples, theirs was a reality so harsh and brutal - so scary and hopeless, that no literary or media translation could ever capture the true nature of what it was to wake every day of life and be under the complete control of another person-all against your will.
This is all ancient history, right?
To call that perception naive is a gross understatement. In the modern world, we call this anomaly in the human condition, Human Trafficking. Millions of modern day human beings are trapped in labor and sex trafficking against their will. The porn industry, positioned as private, harmless entertainment, fuels demand for a corrupt market that knows no boundaries when it comes to providing what consumers want. Cell phones in kids hands exponentially accelerates access to inappropriate content. This is a war on a level not seen before in human history. And millions - billions are going to be impacted by it on some level.
It's here in southern Colorado. It's in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and probability suggests there's even been aspects of this within our families.
Uncomfortable yet? Good. Now hear the heart of a woman and her husband who were so moved by this reality, they did something about it. Meet Laura Parker, CEO, Co-founder of The Exodus Road...
This human tragedy must end. It starts with us, not someone else.